Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 31

I feel like the weeks are closing in on us. Maybe that's because people keep asking/saying things like this:
"So 31 weeks, you got everything ready yet?"
Buddy responds, "Yeah, basically."
(Mallory looks at him like, have you seen the nursery?) And then pips up and says, "No, we aren't even close."
Buddy says, "Well basically."
Mallory (still with a look of utter confusion) says, "No."

So yeah we have painted, and yeah I have sewn a few things, and maybe we have a crib now. But we are nowhere near being done or ready! Although I don't think I will ever be ready, at least I can have the room ready and that will give me some comfort. But now I have very minimal comfort, I have minimal comfort in my plan of attack and my direction for the nursery.

Remember how I was going to go with navy and pink. Well someone should have slapped me around and told me that two colors would be tacky and drive me crazy! So i scrapped everything I had previously done and purchased (which broke my wallet) and bought all new fabric for the nursery. This color palette has a greater range, and I just want to go sit in there now all the time. Which before I wanted to cry. But my sitting cannot be accomplished until I complete the bumper pads, paint a bookcase, get the dresser in that Buddy is building and um I don't know buy a chair!

I did find some chairs at Brooks Furniture that I really like. One is the perfect color (a golden yellow), and on sale. Although I like the way others feel a little bit better, I don't know if I like them $100 better, so I will have to take Buddy back later to help me decide. Plus I want Buddy to be comfortable too so he needs to weigh in on that as well.

Pictures to come of phase 2 in the nursery tomorrow. Hopefully.


  1. Bless your heart - I was the same way. except, i did the opposite - I had fabrics picked out, then I decided they would drive me crazy, so I went with all white! :) Can't wait to see it!

  2. I cannot wait for the new colors! Wish I was there to help with the painting, sewing, and comfort bringing!

  3. I'm so impressed with your skills! Can't wait to see it all!

  4. This is Dana too :). This is a mom community blog that I help run. You should totally join!
