We send out the text messages, called the parents and headed off to the hospital around 4:45. Once we got there Buddy started on the paper work as I was getting settled in, in the labor and delivery room. Gown on, monitors strapped on, ready for the show to begin.
Let me just say now that it is really uncomfortable to have your water break and have to sit in it as it oozes out over the next 10 hours...gross I know.
So I sent out a few emails from my Blackberry to close up some work stuff before my contractions started getting bad. Well they never really got bad, but I called for the epidural at 3 cm anyway.
Epidural...bad decision. Started off good for the first hour, couldn't feel anything. Then my legs started feeling really irritated like they were going to sleep and I wanted to move them all around. Then I started turning over from side to side and I was really uncomfortable. So they thought I was still feeling my contractions except in my legs, so they came in and re-dosed my medication. Bad idea. That made everything worse, so much worse. Then they gave me something to make me completely numb to make all the pain go away. Another bad decision. I still felt the pain in my legs, got really nauseous, felt like I couldn't breathe and still wanted to turn from side to side but couldn't because I was as limp as a noodle. I freaked Buddy out, freaked my mom out and the poor nurse that was taking care of me. When Dr. Gaydos got there she made them stop the medicine and that is when things started getting better. I feel asleep after a while and when I woke up I could move my arms, breathe, felt no more sickness and began to get some feeling back in my legs. When she check me I was 9.5 cm dilated and was getting ready to push.
I felt some contractions that I couldn't talk through, but only on one side of my stomach. I pushed for 6 contractions and little Beau Brezec McBride made her debut into the world. Buddy cut the cord and they cleaned her up, weighted her and gave her some shots. They gave her to me and we had some family time before everyone came in to meet her. We immediatley fell in love with her, along with everyone else.
I am so happy that I got to see you, Buddy, and baby Beau this past weekend. And that I got to hear this story from you personally. I miss seeing you as often and wish I lived closer so I could help you get use to all of these new changes. Love and miss you. Can't wait for our next visit.