She meet her Great-Granddaddy Pa this weekend. He was so cute talking to her and telling her that he had been waiting a long time to meet her, how she needs to straighten out her boy 2nd cousins and how he wanted to take her to NC with him because we were gong to spoil her down here. Like he wouldn't....
She also had her first Halloween. Although she didn't have an actual costume she did look sweet in her pumpkin, onesie, tu-tu outfit her Shug bought for her. She even went to CandyFest for a little while and got to show off her outfit to some people from church. She was so sweet!
Oh and she has started sleeping in her crib! I am so proud of her! Now we can move the pack-n-play out from in front of the fireplace just in time for the cooler weather to arrive.
We also shot a little video of her bath time, so enjoy how cute she is!